M1 - Erotic Signals - 00:00
Moby - Mobility - 03:10
Blake Baxter - When A Thought Becomes You - 06:44
Chocolate Fudge - In A Fantasy - 10:17
Exposure - A Hope And A Promise - 14:05
Pallas - Are You In Heaven - 16:15
States Of Mind - You Like That - 18:55
Fuse - Technotropic - 20:35
L.B. Bad - The New Age Of Faith - 24:58
Aqua Regia - Pump Up The Leds - 29:09
Ramjac Corporation - Cameroon Massif! - 33:27
Aqua Regia - The House Tribe - 37:07
Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia – Maenad - 39:42
Tronikhouse - The Savage & Beyond - 43:10
Fade To Black - The Calling - 45:30
BFC - Static Friendly - 48:20
Suburban Knight - The Worlds -49:38
Octave One - Sonic Fusion - 53:19
Reese - Grab The Beat - 56:42
Heychild - Heychilds Theme - 59:32
Symbols & Instruments - Science Of Numbers- 1:03:17
MK - The Rains - 1:05:44
Reese - Just Want Another Chance - 1:09:18
Mayday - Wiggin - 1:10:32
Instinct - Catastrophy - 1:12:32
Reel By Real - Sundog - 1:15:07
Instinct - Mindsearch - 1:17:00
Reel By Real - Surkit - 1:18:06
E-Smoove - Music Inside Your Mind - 1:22:59
Steve Poindexter - Work That Mutha Fucker - 1:25:13
Thompson & Lenoir - Can't Stop The House - 1:27:20
L.N.R. - House Music - 1:28:34
Fred Brown - Roman Days - 1:29:25
tracklist for