Electro.Music.Specialists - Inc. The Funk - 00:00
? - ? - 05:59
Ectomorph - Cease To Exist - 09:33
Cylob - Space Skramble - 13:34
Sekter .17 - Hostile Takeover - 16:30
DJ Assault - U Can't See Me - 18:52
DJ Godfather - The Number Is... - 21:15
KT-19941 - Phenomenon - 24:55
Cybonix - Dance Floor - 28:50
KT-19941 - Area 51 - 31:18
Cybonix - Cybonix In Effect - 35:33
Ectomorph - The Haunting - 39:08
Le Car - Audiofilefive - 42:39
IMP / I-f - Cry - 45:24
DJ Assault - Numerals - 50:14
Sekter .17 - Avoid All Contact - 54:21
DJ Godfather - Backwerdz - 57:45
Dilemma - Robodisco - 1:01:33
Synapse - Set It Off - 1:04:31
I-F - Space Invaders - 1:07:11
Interzone - Sequenz - 1:12:48
Le Car - #16 (The Concept Car) - 1:14:55
Synapse - Give Up The Funk - 1:17:26
BPMF - Little Happy Guy (Does the Boogie Woogie) - 1:22:51
Voigt Kampff - Asphalt - 1:25:24
Def.Con. - Untitled (Con* – CON0000) - 1:26:51

tracklist for