Little Computer People - Little Computer People (Heiko Laux Flow Remix) - 00:00
Il.ek.tro - Prior Alert #1 - 02:00
Tuxedomoon - What Use (Heinrich Mueller Technik Mix) - 06:58
Froyd - Notenkosmonaut - 08:50
It & My Computer - Fucking Joystick - 13:32
Cyborg Unknown - Year 2001 (In The Beginning) - 16:45
OSC – Return Of The Great - 20:30
Sbassship - Future Was Here - 24:16
ID033- ? - 26:52
ID008 - ? - 29:50
Electronome - Regenerated - 33:31
Electronic Corporation - Freaks Are Electronic - 36:37
Endorphins - Eleven (General Electric Remix) - 39:48
Computor Rockers - Microprocessor (Remix) - 42:15
VIC 20 – The Secret Agent B1- 45:13
Gom - g.s. - 48:45
DJ Glow - Intruder Alert - 51:01
Stalkers - Wimbledon Court Stalkers - 53:53
Zeta Reticula – EP 1 A1 - 56:41
Transparent Sound - Electrocution - 1:00:03
Michael Forshaw – I'm A Man - 1:02:23
Michael Forshaw 'vs' The Spider - Work That Body 1:04:01
ID034 - ? - 1:06:50
Analogue Audio Association & Strahler - Stehende Welle - 1:10:25
Jackal & Hyde – Get Down To My Technique - 1:13:14
GDeluxxe – EZ Live In SF - 1:16:54
Adult - Nausea - 1:19:50
Bolz Bolz - Take A Walk - 1:23:34
Semblance Factor - Autofreak (Zoid Regenerate) - 1:28:44
Neon - Untitled (Neon 123) - 1:32:45
Jedi Knights - Intergalactic Funk Transmission - 1:34:46
Acid Pimp - Flipped Lid - 1:38:51
Electronome – Playmobile Invisible - 1:42:55
? (next dj) - 1:46:00
tracklist for